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Category: Computers & Internet

Website Promotion Part III: Links

Links from other sites
If you have access to your web server logs the referrer information can be extremely useful in determining what sites link to yours. Many of the referrers will be search engines which we’ll discuss next time, but there will also be links from other sites.

For this part of our discussion, we’re going to look at 4 different types of links; directories, paid links, reciprocal links, and natural links; plus a few miscellaneous types at the end.

Website Promotion Part II: Direct Access

I’m going to work backwards through the methods listed above. Search engines, while the most common way for “good” traffic to come to your site, are one of the most difficult methods to do well. So, it’s going to get left until the end.

Direct Access
If you watch your web server statistics you will notice that direct access is not a common method for people to come to your site. But the traffic that comes from direct access will often be very good, that is very likely to be looking for your services. Often they saw your web address somewhere and are typing it in.

CSS Positioning for Search Engine Placement

No one outside of the Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and other search engine programmers know exactly how a search engine decides which page is more valid for a particular search. Reading sites like Webmaster World you can find theories and experiments, but very little hard proof. With that, please keep in mind that this is one of those theories, and may make no difference on your search engine placement.