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Quick trick for speeding up pagination

One of my web projects, like so many others, has a series of pages where data is displayed in a table. Often this data becomes too large for a single page, and it has to be broken down into separate pages. The 5 dollar word for this is pagination, and you’ve seen it; you just may not have known what it was called. When a page shows links to the next and previous pages and shows you on page x of y, this is what is being done.

Multiple cases for switch construct

Looking at the PHP documentation, it is not clear how to add multiple values for the same case in a switch construct. It seems that you should be able to do

case ("whatever" || "something"):
//Do something;

But, you can’t. I tried, and it didn’t work. Fortunately, after much searching, I found a way to do it; and it’s not near as difficult as I was making it.

A quick PHP function to get Post, Get, or Session variables; and Cookies too

It should be pretty easy to get $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, or $_COOKIE variables in PHP code. The problem is that just entering $_GET[‘variable’] causes an error if the variable does not exist. What’s needed is a way to open the variable, and get a blank string if the variable is not defined.